SLEEP. Get your sleep. If you run with sleep deprivation you're gonna hurt your joint, ligaments. Running while craving for sleep is like burning a candle from both ends. Don't do it.
PACE. Just because that 18 year old can pass you by like a bullet, you do not need to feel bad about yourself and try to catch up. You're only going to hurt yourself. It's a miracle already that you're on the road. Look around you -- how many other post-50 runners you see around? Be grateful and slow down to your comfort zone.
FOOD. Eat natural. Eat fresh and clean. But get your protein. I'm a meat eater. Eating meat has spiritual drawbacks but definite physical advantages. Especially red meat has the highest concentration of amino acids that your body will crave for when you start running on a regular basis.
Don't neglect carbs either since they are your energy source.
Dieting is not for runners. Eat sensibly. And then get out and burn it all and have a ball :-)
DRUGS and HARD LIQUOR. A beer with lunch or a glass of wine with dinner is perfectly okay. But anything more than that is out. Keep your body clean and you'll enjoy your running a lot more.
SMOKING. But of course... it's deadly. No runner should use the damn thing.
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